In February, we attended one of our favorite conferences, the AAFS (American Academy of Forensic Sciences) – this year from February 19-24 in beautiful Denver, Colorado.
Besides our booth in the exhibition section of the conference where you could learn about the different products we develop in the area of forensic identification, our research team was also presenting eight topics in the sections Anthropology, Criminalistics, General, and Odontology. You can see the complete list below.
We hope to see you next year!

Thursday 1:15 PM – 1:30 PM A72
Facial Photo-Anthropometry for the Exclusion of Candidates Under Non-Restrictive Photographic Conditions
Thursday 1:45 PM – 2:00 PM A74
Facial Soft Tissue Thickness and the Positional Relationship of Hard and Soft Tissue in a United States Postmortem CT Sample, the New Mexico Decedent Image Database (NMDID)
Thursday 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM A75
The Latest Advancements in Craniofacial Superimposition Using Artificial Intelligence
Friday 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM A133
Unaccompanied Minors Automatic Forensic Age Estimation (UMAFAE): Applying Artificial Intelligence-Based Methods to Estimate Legal Age in Undocumented Minors
Thursday 3:30 PM – 3:45 PM B94
Decoding the Ocular Region From DNA: Building Predictive Models in Forensic Contexts
Thursday 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM F38
Emerging Paradigms in Forensic Facial Comparison Through Artificial Intelligence
Thursday 12:00 AM – Hall D Showcase Stage
Skeleton-ID – Forensic Human Identification with AI
Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM H15
Artificial Intelligence-Driven Dental Comparison for Human Identification in Mass Disasters
Thursday 11:30 AM – 11:45 AM H20
The Potential of Smile Photographs and a PM Intraoral Scanner for Dental Identification

Sebastian Kaiser
Sebastian Kaiser, with an MSc. in computer science, is the CMO of Panacea and an expert in the development of new technologies for digital transformation in the field of forensic science. He leads global for-profit and non-profit projects.

Marta Hernández
Marta is an archaeologist and forensic anthropologist with a wide experience in excavations and exhumations. She is currently an international sales manager with a technical profile.

Dr. Óscar Ibáñez
Óscar Ibáñez is a founding member of Panacea, a Ph.D. in computer science, and a senior researcher at the University of La Coruña. With nearly 20 years of experience in research and transfer, he is a world pioneer in the application of AI in forensic sciences.